7 Stands Farm
Our Farm
Four generations ago, Trealy Miles brought his knowledge of beekeeping to the foothills of North Carolina. He used and re-used materials to build his bee frames, always mindful of being a good steward of what he had been blessed with. He passed his knowledge of bees and farming down to his son, Reid. Reid then passed his love of beekeeping down to his son, Jim, and his grandson, Jamie. The tradition of sound farming practices continues
Today, 7 Stands Farm produces quality VSH bees, registered Myotonic goats, and pasture raised pork. We take pride in each of the commodities and balance proper land use with customer needs.

Our Story
Local Family Farm
7 Stands Farm is nestled in the foothills of North Carolina where we enjoy four separate seasons, lush vegetation, and beautiful views. With nearly 20 acres on two separate farms, we pasture our pigs and goats on rolling hills and rich pastureland. We take pride in treating all of our animals with the respect they deserve.
Our winters are spent preparing for the coming year. Spring and summer bring new kids and piglets to the farm; fall is just as busy with breeding and wrapping up the farmers market season. Life is busy on the farm year-round!